LOKA Offer Modern Shopping Concept

In the midst of the proliferation of modern markets in the country, the local and foreign retailers are racing each other open new stores and continues to expand its branches. Plus through the research of the Boston Consulting Group said, Indonesia is one country in the region that became the target of foreign investors. According to the Indonesian community it is known royal in shopping. And most surprisingly, it turns out shopping beyond basic needs alone almost reached the number of 45 million people.

Associated with it, recently attended a new supermarket that offers a different shopping concept of the competitors. It can be seen from the interior of the building, rack, and also provides a counter foods such as food theater, the Philocoffe and Baker Hood modern nuances.

LOKA Offer Modern Shopping Concept

The quality and completeness of its fresh products will be guaranteed freshness, whereas for grocery products neatly arranged and grouped to make consumers easier to find the product you want in purchasing. In addition there is a unique and interesting from the supermarket, because shopping carts that are provided there has a variety of colors.

In 2013 a subsidiary of PT Mega Mahadana was a success through warabala Carl's Jr. and his Wingstop once succeeded in establishing its retail business portfolio. And a year later then Tiara Marga Trakindo company that originally business indrustri heavy equipment, presented in 2014 LOKA supermarket last.

Until now, only new three supermarkets that have operated in the area of ​​the Cibubur (Jakarta) Alam Sutera (Tangerang) and Malang (Central Java). But proclaim in this year plans to increase and it will open a new branch again in a number of cities in the country.

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